Email Magazine

Event Report
Nanophoton Evening Held

Nanophoton’s Evening (NPE) is the only place hosted by Nanophoton as a company for all employees to gather and exchange opinions. NPE is held on a regular basis as a place to directly inform employees of what has been decided at the quarterly board of directors meetings and what is going on at the company. (Newsletter Editor / Ryo Harada)

All employees gathered, including online

Nanophoton’s Evening (NPE) is the only gathering hosted by Nanophoton for all employees to get together and exchange ideas, as well as a place to directly inform employees of what has been decided by the Board of Directors each quarter and how the company is doing. The first meeting was held on May 20, 2013, and from that point on, the gathering is regularly held after each board meeting to report on the proceedings of the board meeting and to get to know each other.

We believe that providing a forum for employees to share democratically what is going on at the company is one of the most important things for the organizational entity that is Nanophoton. In addition to NPEs, Nanophoton makes the minutes of its board of directors and management meetings available to employees as well as shareholders. This is because, unlike large corporations, Nanophoton is a small company, and we believe it is effective and safe for employees to know how the company is doing.

Once again, the meeting was very meaningful, with a variety of lively exchanges of opinions about the company’s situation and policies.

Director and Senior Managing Director Fujiwara also explained.
A reception was held afterwards.

Nanophoton will continue to create an open and comfortable workplace and contribute to the world through the concerted efforts of all employees.

(Translated by DeepL)